2021 Dyfi Enduro – CANCELLED
This is really not where we wanted to be but given the current situation with Covid and the uncertainty that exists around what we will be able to do this spring we have taken the decision to cancel the Dyfi Enduro for another year. The scale of planning and preparation that goes into this event makes it unwise for us to embark on preparations with no real degree of certainty that we will be able to deliver an event on our planned date for 2021.
Our priority is always first to the safety and wellbeing of our participants and the local community and, with this being our largest it would not be sensible to embark on planning and promoting a gathering of this size until such a time that the risks from the virus have significantly decreased.
The rollout of vaccines gives us some hope of a return to normality. Hopefully, in a year from now things will be different but at this time with all nations of the UK in lockdown, cancellation appears the safest and most responsible thing to do for 2021. Even if we could find an opportunity to push back the event date, we feel the event we could deliver would be so far removed from the Dyfi Enduro that so many have grown to know and love, that we could not in all honesty sell it as the same event.
For this reason, we have taken the decision that, unlike the 2020 cancellation, we will not give the option to retain entries to carry over to a late 2021 or 2022 event but will instead refund in full all entries to the 2021 (originally the cancelled 2020) event. This process will be triggered in the next few days.
Refunds will be automatically processed as a reversal of the original order transaction. If for any reason this poses a problem (for example if that card or account, no longer exists) then please get in touch with Eventbrite customers services who will be able to assist.
This has been a particularly difficult decision for us to take as this year marks an important milestone for the event. It has been 20 years since the first pack of trail hungry riders rolled out along the main street of Machynlleth to tackle the first ever Dyfi Enduro. For this reason, we had our fingers crossed that 2021 could offer us the chance to celebrate this auspicious occasion but sadly, fate had other plans. Still, we know that the forest and its trails aren’t going anywhere and while we might be itching to share a ride with you all again, we know it’s going to have to wait just a little longer.
Dyfi Events Team
What should I do to get my refund?
Most people won’t need to do anything. If your original payment method is still valid you don’t need to do anything, your refund will be processed automatically as a reversal of your original transaction and the money should appear in your account within 5-10 days of processing. If you still haven’t seen anything in 10 days then check you should log into Eventbrite and check under the events tab for information on the 2021 Bontrager Dyfi Enduro event. If the event ticket is still live then you should contact Eventbrite support who will be able to assist you with processing your refund.
Who will receive refunds?
Refunds will be processed as a reversal of the original order. For the Dyfi Enduro it is common for a single person to purchase entries for a number of attendees. In these cases the full refund will be received by the person who paid for all the tickets. If someone purchased a ticket on your behalf you will need to get in contact with them. Eventbrite cannot refund any portions of an order to a named attendee on a ticket, refunds must be processed as a reversal of the original order with funds returning to the person who made the order.
When will refunds be processed?
We have already authorised Eventbrite to begin refunds but the process can take a little time. If you haven’t seen a refund 10 days from today please contact Eventbrite Customer Support.
Can my ticket be transferred to a future Dyfi Enduro?
Unfortunately we cannot retain any entries, every ticket will be fully refunded. However we hope to be able to offer those who had outstanding.
I ordered Camping Tickets and an Event T shirt, what about these?
The full value of all orders will be refunded, this will include anything paid for camping or event merchandise.
My friend ordered my tickets for the event on his card, how do I get my refund?
You’ll need to contact the person who paid for the ticket as they will receive the refund as a reversal of the original transaction. Eventbrite & Dyfi Events contract is with the owner of the ticket, this is the person who purchased and paid for the ticket and had the tickets showing on their Eventbrite account. Eventbrite are only able to process refund transactions as a reversal of the original payment and cannot refund to named attendees of the event any portion of the original order. If a ticket was purchased on your behalf you will need to contact the person who purchased the entry for you.
What if the account/card I used to pay is closed or no longer active?
If you’ve just been issued a new card on the same account because the card passed its expiry date then this should not be a problem as the account that the payment is associated with will still be valid. If however the account used for the payment has been closed Eventbrite will be unable to process the refund to this account. If this is the case, please get in touch with Eventbrite Customer Support who will be able to assist.
When will the next Dyfi Enduro happen?
Right now its impossible to know how soon we can deliver an event like this, unfortunately all we can say at this stage is watch this space. We have our hopes set on delivering the next event in 2022 but if an opportunity should arise sooner, who knows.