Dyfi Enduro – New entry system for 2016
The riders have spoken. Our feedback survey revealed that riders were still unanimously in favour of our traditional “bun-fight” for entry places over a lottery style declared interest system so we are again preparing for another exciting (tense) rush for entries to this year’s Dyfi Enduro.
As usual, come 6pm on Sunday 31st January when entries open, there will be many fingers poised over keyboards waiting for our entry link to go live.
This year we have a new entry partner and you can expect to see some unfamiliar entry screens at sign up, so in order to better prepare everyone and reduce stress and frustration we have decided to release a quick walk-through of the new entry process so that everyone can get a little more familiar with what information they will need to sign up for the event.
The first screen you will meet after clicking the enter event link is the main event screen..
You should then click the “enter” button.
Don’t keep clicking if it looks like nothing has happened. Check the top right corner of the screen and you should see that £31.50, a single entry has been added to your basket.
Don’t worry, if you want to add more places you will get the chance, we’ll get to that in a minute.
Now click the basket icon in the top right corner of the screen and this will take you to your shopping basket.
Here in your shopping basket you can adjust the number of places you require (to the maximum of 5 permissible) .
So, let’s say you want to sign up for 2 people. Change the quantity from the 1 showing to 2 (or whatever quantity you require, 5 max) and then click “Update” (bottom left) to update the quantity of entries in your cart. When you are happy that your basket shows the correct number of entries you require you can then click the “Proceed to checkout” link in the bottom right corner of the entry box.
You will then be required to enter your participant details for all the people you are registering, so make sure you have these easily to hand.
If you are going to add event T shirts it is best to do this BEFORE entering participant information as not all information is retained when the screen refreshes. If you want to add a T-shirt, just click the “Click here to add to your basket” link and you will be taken to a screen to select size….
Choose size from the drop down menu and then click “Add To Basket”. This will take you back to the screen where you enter participant details, repeat the process if you want to add further event T-shirts, you can add as many as you want.
Once you have added your event T’s (if required) you’ll find yourself back at the participant’s information screen.
Now it’s time to entering participant information.
You will need to enter the following information for each individual you are registering:
- First Name
- Middle Name (not required)
- Surname
- Gender
- Date Of Birth
- Nationality
- Emergency Contact Name
- Emergency Contact Telephone Number
Complete all the fields for each participant and then click the “Continue” button on the bottom left.
You will then be taken to the final checkout page…
Here you should check your entry requirements and event T quantities are correct. You will also need to enter your own contact details
- Name
- Email Address
- Telephone Number
- Address
- Postcode
You can then choose to either amend your order or if all is OK, click “Continue to Payment”
This will take you to the Worldpay site for payment where you should follow the instructions on screen to complete your transaction.
PLEASE NOTE! You must wait until your Worldpay transaction is complete and confirmed. Worldpay will then return you to the Stuweb site. Only at this point when you have been returned to the Stuweb site and your confirmation appears on screen is your entry complete. If you exit your browser before this point your entry may be dropped. Again, please be patient and wait for the transfer back to the entry site.
Assuming the transaction is successful you should be returned to the Stuweb site with confirmation on screen. You will also receive email notification of your purchase soon after.
If you access the site early on and are already greeted with an “Entry Full” message don’t give up immediately. Entry places are allocated as people pass through the checkout so the event usually shows as “Full” quite quickly. However there are always those who do not complete their sign up sessions, it could be a dropped internet connection, time out or failure to complete the payment transaction. Whatever the reason, these places will then drop back into the pool of available entries and be up for grabs again. That’s why it’s always worth trying again for a while as you may be lucky enough to grab entries as they become available again. Last year we first showed entries full in 2 minutes but it took around 7 minutes for all the spaces to be fully allocated and confirmed due to dropped session reallocations.
Didn’t get an entry in the sign up rush? – Don’t give up just yet.
Even if that brings you no luck it’s still not the end of the story, there are always a fair few people that can’t make the event each year, be it through injury or other commitments. These places can be reallocated or passed on with the consent of the individual. It used to be possible for riders to do this through their entry system but this year, with our new entry system, riders will need to contact us through the site to arrange exchanges but we still allow places to be passed on. We always ask people who have spare tickets to post information of them to our Facebook and Twitter accounts so this is always the best place to keep a look out. Our experience is that those who persevere usually find an entry, so don’t give up if you don’t get an immediate allocation
All that remains is to wish you all good luck and if you do experience any problems, please be patient, our site, entry system and server will all be under a lot of load and page delivery is likely to be slow. The best place for information on the day will be our Facebook and Twitter so keep an eye on our feeds for updates on entry status.
Dyfi Events Team