HELMETS ARE MANDATORY FOR ALL PARTICIPANTS IN OUR EVENTS – Helmets must conform to current UK safety standards for cycle helmets and be in good condition a good fit and remain securely fastened when riding.



On A470 between Newtown and Llanbrynmair major roadworks are taking place that will close the road at Talerddig. These begin on 20th January and will continue for around 12 weeks. It is advised to avoid this section of the A47o and plan an alternative route, either further North via Welshpool or further South via Caersws & Machynlleth to avoid the closed section with its lengthy diversion. More information on the closure ( ) – Updated on 20/1/2025




Number board collection Fox Antifreeze – 9am – 11am

Event start open – 10am – 11am

Please note, these times are planned and may be subject to change. Please check your joining email and information boards at event sign-on/board collection for final event information. 



Below you will find important information about the event weekend along with event rules, sign on and start times, visitor information and other advice to help you make the most of your event weekend. 




Follow us on social media to keep up with event news and information. You can find us on instagram and facebook

Event Location

The event is located at Coed y Brenin Forest Park, North Wales. Situated on the A470 between Trawsfynydd and Dolgellau.

Arrival and Parking

Natural Resources Wales operate an entry/exit gate vehicle number plate recognition system for parking. Payment for parking should be made just prior to exiting. This is done by entering the vehicle number plate details and making a payment at one of the machined provided.

You are charged for the length of time you park at Coed y Brenin visitor centre.

The charges are: £2 for 2 hours then 40p for every additional 20 minutes to a maximum charge of £7 per day.

Pay for parking when you are ready to leave – To do this enter your vehicle registration into one of the machines in the car park and pay the parking charge by card or cash. Once you have paid you should exit as soon as possible. The exit barrier will raise as you approach if you have paid for your parking.  

Natural Resources Wales staff will be on hand to help if there are any problems.


A there is an EMTB class in the Fox Antifreeze, we welcome ebikes that meet the following criteria: 

(1) The bike must be a UK road legal pedelec (must not be chipped, de-redistricted, re-mapped or modified in any way)

(2) The rider must have purchased the Ebike entry ticket and declared on entry that they will be riding an eBike in the event.

There is no separate start wave for ebikes this year, all riders may start at any point that the event start is open. 

PLEASE NOTE THAT CHARGING FACILITIES ARE AVAILABLE BUT LIMITED AT THE EVENT SITE. Please visit the Natural Resources Wales Coed y Brenin web page for information on ebike charging at Coed y Brenin.

Joining – Number Board Collection 

A signature is no longer required as waivers are included in sign-up online. Alongside this, you will find our event waiver printed on the back of your number board and by affixing this and participating in the event you acknowledge and accept all our terms of participation. This means you just need to collect your board and you are ready to go.

Board numbers are pre-allocated and if you entered before the printing cutoff (around the middle of February) will have the rider name printed on them. 

Boards will also have an RFID timing chip fixed to the back. It is very important that this stays in place and is not damaged as it is used to record timing entries for each individual rider as they cross the start/lap/finish timing mat.

Board allocations will be posted in the week prior to the event. 

You can view number allocation here when they are available: Antifreeze Rider Number Allocations

Numbers can be collected from the room located above the Beics Brenin bike shop, this will be clearly signposted as you approach the visitor centre. Please follow all signs and directions from event and visitor centre staff.

On collection, state your number clearly with your name and a member of our team will hand you your board. 

When handed your board, please check you have been handed the correct board.

The spelling of the name on the board is taken directly from the data supplied in the attendee name field in Eventbrite. It is not possible to change what has been printed on the board. However, we can change the name listed in results – to do this you should notify a member of our team or email or message us as event organiser via Eventbrite.

Once you have collected your number board, please leave the board collection point swiftly to help us process all entrants quickly.

If you have any further questions or queries regarding entry on the day, an information desk is also located in the board collection area where you will be able to speak to a member of our event team.



Sign on Antifreeze – 9 am to 11 am

Please see our BOARD NUMBER ALLOCATION PAGE  to check your board allocation. These will also be displayed at collection on the day. 

Attaching your board 

We offer cut lengths of string, for attaching your board to the bike because it is biodegradable. Pre-cut lengths will be available to collect on the way in and way out of board collection. Please attach your board so that the number is clearly visible from the front and make sure it is the correct way up.  Take care not to damage or remove the RFID timing chip.  

For durability reasons our number boards are constructed of plastic but they have been designed so they can be given a new life after the event, repurposed as a bike fender. Instructions on how to do this can be found at – The boards can be recycled but only where specific facilities exist, the materiel is vinyl/PVC [3]. Please do not put into normal household recycling.


Feed station 

A feed station will be located just before the end of the lap. We offer a selection of appropriate high-energy snacks, water and energy drink. There are some vegetarian/vegan options and we try to accommodate special dietary requirements with prior notice. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding the feed station offering.  


The event is a staggered start format where each rider’s times are individually recorded. Every participant in the event has their own start, lap and finish times recorded by the RFID chip timing system when they cross the timing mat.

Your event does not start until the second you cross the start line. Once you first cross the timing mat, your event had begun and the clock is ticking until you cross the mat for a final time. Your individual start time will be logged by the timing equipment reading your unique RFID chip which is located on the back of your event your number board. When on course, your time is recorded at each pass of the timing mat (lap).  Once the event ends and all riders are off course you will be allocated a final distance based on your logged number of laps. Riders will receive a time for each lap you completed and a total ride time. Ebike rider’s times will be displayed separately from non powered MTBs.

Antifreeze START TIMES


Sign on Antifreeze – 9 am to 11 am

Antifreeze Event Start OPEN  10am to 11am – (You may start at any point that the course is open and ride 1, 2 or 3 laps of the 12km course.) 


When ready to start

When you are ready to start, head for the course start located in the area below the visitor centre. The start area will be clearly signposted. At the start area you will be fed onto the course by one of our starting marshals. Please follow their instructions and remember there is no need to rush as your times are individual, your event doesn’t start until you cross the mat.

The Course

The course is a roughly 12km lap comprising a mix of Coed y Brenin’s trail sections. THE EVENT IS NOT A RACE. Please be polite and courteous to other riders at all times. If you wish to pass another rider do this only when it is safe to do so. If there is a rider behind you that wishes to pass, please move aside and allow them to pass when it is safe.

The route will be clearly marked with YELLOW ARROWS and other signs that highlight particular hazards and give route instructions. A route map is available to view at sign on.  The route comprises a lot of singletrack so a little congestion may be experienced in places, please be courteous and pleasant with your fellow riders and ride with care at all times. Remember, it’s not a race, we are all here to enjoy the trails and have fun together!

1, 2 or 3 laps?

The Antifreeze event offers 3 route distance events. You don’t need to decide which distance you want to attempt before you start, you simply ride 1, 2 or 3 laps of the course and we will allocate your time to the appropriate event.

After completing your first lap you will again enter the start/finish chicane and be fed across the timing mat again. Here you will be greeted with a clearly signposted route split. Turn right for ‘MORE LAPS’ of if you have had enough and wish to complete your event turn left to ‘FINISH’. 

If you choose ‘MORE LAPS’ you continue on to complete your 2nd lap, after which you will again find yourself at the same point with the same option.  At this point you can again choose to finish or continue on to ride a 3rd and final lap. 3 is the maximum number of laps permitted in the event, all riders must finish after completing their 3rd lap.

Please note that there is no option to take a timing ‘pause’ between laps, once the clock has started you are effectively timed until you cross the finish line after completing your final lap.

Please ride with care at all times when on course but take particular care as you pass through the start/lap/finish area.  The event is non-competitive all Coed y Brenin’s trails remain open to all. Please take care and watch out for other riders and pedestrians.



The visitor centre café will be open serving hot food, snacks and drinks with eat-in and take-away options available. 

Toilets & Showers

Toilets are available at the visitor centre with additional portable toilets situated around the site. Showers are available downstairs in the main visitor centre (round) building but there are a limited number and demand for these is likely to be high.

Bike Wash

A bike washing point with hose is situated below the visitor centre. 

Visitor Centre

Coed y Brenin has walking and running trails, a play area and nature discovery trails. More information about the centre and facilities can be found on the Natural Resources Wales website. 

Further information and advice

Below you will find some additional information about the event and advice to help you prepare for your ride and make the most of your event weekend. 


There is a feed station with sweet and savoury snacks, water and energy drink located just before the end of each lap. However, it is normal common sense practice for mountain bikers to make your own provision by ensuring that they set out on a ride with adequate food and hydration to sustain them for the duration of their ride, with a little extra just in case of emergency. A selection of bars, gels and hydration products are also available to buy from Beics Brenin.  Below you will find further general advice on what to carry. Essential spares and tools like tubes, pumps and patch kits are available from Beics Brenin to purchase before you head out but its always a good idea to have these things in your kit bag ready so its better to buy them before you head to the event. Likewise make sure you have riding clothing sorted and its in good shape along with helmet, gloves and any other protection you will use. Most importantly of all, check your bike is in good shape, you’ll find more on this below in the rider preparation section.

Marshals & First Aid

Marshals will be stationed at key intervals on route and will be in contact with course HQ and first aid. Mobile first aiders are on course and able to attend if required during the event. Please see the route map for the location of marshals and alert them if you have witnessed a medical emergency. If you believe the emergency to be serious or life threatening, please alert emergency services by calling 999.

Other trail users, walkers & spectators

The event takes place mostly on the forest’s way marked trail network which remains open to other users. Please ride with care and be respectful of others. 

Some sections of the route may be shared accessed. Again, please ride with care and remain in good control. Regulate your speed around other users and be respectful and careful around other forest and trail users. 

Event T Shirts / Event mementos 

If you ordered an event T Shirt, this will be available for collection when you pick up your board. Please ask a member of staff.

For finishers, there is an event memento is available to all finishers as they cross the finish line, make sure you pick one up at you exit the finish point. 


Please note. There is no event photographer this year. Our long term event photographer Rob Barker has moved overseas and, as we have seen a significant decrease in demand for event images in recent years, we currently have no plan to replace him. 

Helpful tips..

Get yourself ready…

Pre event checks

Before the event it’s a good idea to do final checks and preparation to your bike.  Clean and thoroughly looking over everything for damage or wear. Pay particular attention to anything that has the potential to fail during the ride like damaged or worn tyres, frayed cables, worn chain or cassette, loose or notchy rotation at bottom bracket or headset.


Do the M check:

What to carry

These are the basic essentials we recommend you carry (NB: Helmets are compulsory):

> Bicycle pump (if you use CO2 then you need to carry a pump as a backup, it’s a long ride and very rocky in places, its not uncommon to have multiple punctures).

> Spare inner tube

> For riders with running tubeless you need tubless repair kit AND spare tubes & puncture kit.

> Puncture repair kit (for when you run out of spare tubes)

> Bike multi tool with chain link extractor (or multi tool and chain tool) – always a good idea.

> Spare quick-link chain link for fixing a broken chain (be sure to get the right type for your chain).

> Food – Enough to fuel you for the ride and extra in case you have a mechanical or other emergency that could result in a lot of standing around or a long walk home. Energy bars are a great choice as a compact energy source but on a long ride like this you may find yourself craving something different or more substantial. Think self sufficiency and you’ll be better prepared.

> Water/Hydration – The amount you need is dependent on conditions but its never good to run out. Many riders choose to use an electrolyte powder of tablet in their water to help prevent dehydration. Whatever you use, bottles or hydration pack, just make sure you have enough. A water refill station will be located at the feed station.

> Clothing – It’s always a tough call at this time of year. This event has seen rain, snow, sleety and blazing sunshine. You’ll have climbs and descents and exposed sections can be very different to the shelter of the forest so flexibility is often the name of the game. A good waterproof jacket offers warmth and protection from the elements and an extra warm layer can be wise should you have a mechanical or other emergency.  What you choose to wear to ride in on the day will be dependent on the weather and outlook so keep an eye on the weather forecast and dress accordingly. Carry backup clothing in case the weather gets worse, this is Wales after all.

> Protection: A helmet is mandatory, gloves are a very sensible addition. Many rider now choose to ride in additional knee and sometimes elbow pads for added protection and there are many on the market today that can be worn comfortably for long rides. Always check your helmet is in good condition without damage, fits and is adjusted well.

> The event is timed but it is always wise to carry a watch or mobile phone, or use a cycle computer to monitor your own progress and stay aware of the time. This will allow you to adjust your ride plans according to progress and how you feel.

Useful additions

> Tyre boot (for emergency repair to big cuts in tyres)

> Mobile phone for making emergency calls. Be aware that phone cover in the forest can be limited. Should you have to make an emergency call you may not be able to do this from all locations.

> GPS (could be watch, cycle computer or a smartphone app) – You don’t really need this as the route is well signposted but in keeping with the mountain biking self-sufficiency ethos it provides a great modern tools for tracking your ride and can be helpful in providing location information.

> Warm hat. This is the ultimate luxury if you end up stuck with a broken bike for any length of time.

> Route map. Again, not an essential as the route is signed but can be useful to refer to when you need to figure out your location or progress. The route map will be displayed at sign-on and you can simply snap a picture of it before you depart. That way, should a situation arise where you need it you have something to refer back to. A very useful ride security backup that takes just a few seconds. 

And finally…

We suggest you write a pre event packing check list. List all the kit you need to bring and then tick things off one by one as you pack them. We can’t tell you how often people forget obviously very important items like shoes, pedals or helmet and while we are sure our retail partner Beics Brenin will be happy for the trade, it might make for an unexpectedly costly event.

On the day…

Eat a good breakfast on the day of the event.  Double check your gear and bike before you head to the start line and make any final adjustments that might be required.

After that, the most important thing to remember is to have a good time. For many of you this may be your first time back riding an organised bike event after a long break during the pandemic, for others it may be a first organised event ever. The most important thing is to enjoy it. You’ll be riding some of Wales finest trails in very good company, smile, whoop, sing and enjoy every wonderful mile of the event. 

It doesn’t matter what level of challenge that you end up tackling, 1, 2 or 3 laps of the 12km course, ultimately this event is about enjoying the ride and savouring the challenges you encounter. It remains the best way we know to brush off the winter cobwebs and set yourself up for a fantastic year of riding to come. 

Have fun,…. ‘another lap’ anyone?

Good luck from the Dyfi Events team.



Event photographs

Dave Price and Jeremy Prout return to photograph the event again this year. Images will be available on Roots and Rain shortly after the event.





    Share your funny, epic or painful photos on instagram using #dyfienduro